Settings reference

Settings reference

Modules dialog

Screenshot of the Modules dialog with the multiplexer configuration showing.
Setting Description
S0 The board pin connected to the S0 pin of the multiplexer. All digital and analog pins are supported. This pin is shared by all multiplexers connected to the board.
S1 The board pin connected to the S1 pin of the multiplexer. All digital and analog pins are supported. This pin is shared by all multiplexers connected to the board.
S2 The board pin connected to the S2 pin of the multiplexer. All digital and analog pins are supported. This pin is shared by all multiplexers connected to the board.
S3 The board pin connected to the S3 pin of the multiplexer. All digital and analog pins are supported. This pin is shared by all multiplexers connected to the board.
Data The board pin connected to the data pin of the multiplexer. All digital and analog pins are supported. This pin must be unique for each multiplexer connected to the board.
Type The type of multiplexer connected, either 8-bit multiplexer or 16-bit multiplexer.
Name The name for the multiplexer. Displayed in the input configuration dialog to identify the multiplexer when mapping the input to a simulator event.

Input configuration

Multiplexers have the same input setting events as buttons and switches.

Use the Device dropdowns to select the multiplexer and specific input on the multiplexer to use.

Screenshot of the input configuration wizard for a multiplexer, with the Multiplexer and input 0 selected.