Settings reference

Settings reference

Modules dialog

Screenshot of the Modules dialog with the output shift register configuration showing.
Setting Description
Latch The board pin connected to the latch pin of the shift register. All digital and analog pins are supported.
Clock The board pin connected to the clock pin of the shift register. All digital and analog pins are supported.
Data The board pin connected to the data pin of the shift register. All digital and analog pins are supported.
# of 8 bit registers The number of 8-bit groups connected in series to the board. Chips with eight inputs count as one group. Chips with 16 inputs count as two groups.
Name The name for the output shift register. Displayed in the output configuration dialog to identify the shift register when mapping a simulator variable to the output.

Output display configuration

Screenshot of the Display tab with the ShiftRegister output type selected for a single output.
Screenshot of the Display tab with the ShiftRegister output type selected for multiple outputs.
Setting Description
Shift Register The chain of shift registers to display the value on.
Select Pins The output on the shift register chain to display the value on.
Select multiple When checked, enables selecting multiple shift register outputs to display the value.